Reading and Lockdown
The day the lockdown was declared in India, everything turned upside-down for me. Our final exams were cancelled and we were directly passed to the next class. I had never experienced so much free time, not even in my vacations when I had vacation homework.
I was fully prepared to just do……………………..nothing. Yes, I had prepared to do nothing. I didn’t want to study, nor to any courses just sit at home and enjoy! All of us know what the word “enjoy” means for a teenager. Days spent in gaming, TV and binge-watching series. Well I had thought of all of this but after a few days I reflected on what I was doing in my life, I had always wanted to do something in the field of physics, maybe particle physics, quantum physics or astrophysics. I decide that I was going to dedicate all of my free time in a productive way by preparing for the future.
That’s when I started this blog, I had a couple of blogs before this one, but I started this one by promising myself that I was going to stay dedicated to this one. So, instead of watching TV for 5 hours straight, I watched TV for 2 hours, then read a book for 2 hours and finally played with my brother.
In this lockdown, I finished 2 series, The Hunger Games and The Maze Runner, both of which I wanted to read from a long time. Then I started with Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series. And I already am 2 books in. This has been the most I have read in forever. Finishing, 10 novels in 20 days is not a joke.
I also have started doing courses in my spare time. I am doing a particle physics course if I go into that field. I am doing a course called Astro101 if I become interested in space when I grow up. And lastly, I am doing a course on python if I go into the field of Data Science. This has been the most productive phase of my whole life because juggling 3 courses with classes and schoolwork is everything but easy. And I had to find that out the hard way.
Whenever I used to test my IQ during school it used to come in 120s. Now when I just did an IQ test, my IQ turned out to be 134!! This was huge for me! I never thought I was so smart. Most of the IITians have an IQ of 100 to 120. Only the top 30% IITians have an IQ over 130. That means I am more intelligent than I ever gave myself credit too.
Hell, I realized that if you think you are smart, even your expectations rise. Now, I am even thinking about Stanford and Harvard which I never thought before were in my grasp. So, if you guys think that you are not smart enough, think again! Everyone is, all you need is home ground. I was not the topper in school, even though I was ONE of the toppers. Always remember, everyone is better than someone somewhere.
With that thought, I will end this post! Any more thoughts?? Comment down below! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog. Till then, bye-bye!